1st Grade English Benchmarks
First Quarter1.1.2 Use beginning and ending consonant sounds to decode words in context.
1.1.3 Use CVC (e.g., cat) spelling pattern
3.1.5 Identify rhyme.
6.1.2 Organize and sequence ideas, with teacher assistance, through drawing and discussing.
7.1.4 Capitalize names and beginning of sentences.
7.1.6 Print left-to-right, top-to bottom directionality.
9.1.5 Give clear directions to complete a simple task.
Second Quarter1.1.2 Use short vowels to decode words in context.
1.1.4 Use knowledge of simple spelling patterns (blends and digraphs) when reading.
1.1.5 Use antonyms.
3.1.5 Identify alliteration (e.g., tongue twisters).
4.1.2 Identify main idea.
4.1.3 Use text to answer easy questions.
5.1.2 Write friendly letters.
7.1.4 Use capitals for names of months and days of the week.
7.1.5 Use correct spelling for CVC words and frequently used words (the, is, my).
7.1.6 Print legibly.
8.1.4 Follow simple oral directions to complete a task.
9.1.4 Recount experiences and retell stories in sequence.
Third Quarter1.1.2 Use middle consonants to decode words in context.
1.1.4 Use knowledge of CVCe (cane, life) spelling patterns when reading.
3.1.2 Identify simple character traits and predict story outcome.
4.1.1 Locate and use title, pictures, and names of author and illustrator to obtain information.
4.1.6 Read and follow simple directions to perform a task.
5.1.4 Write, with teacher assistance, responses to literature.
7.1.3 Use contractions in writing.
9.1.1 Use varied (descriptive) vocabulary to communicate ideas.
.1.3 Present ideas and ask questions in a group.
Fourth Quarter1.1.1 Use high Frequency words to begin reading text with fluency, accuracy, and expression.
1.1.2 Use long vowels in decoding words in context.
1.1.3 Identify prefixes, suffixes, plurals, and abbreviations.
1.1.4 Assess ABC order.
1.1.5 Use synonyms in context.
2.1.1 Use, with teacher assistance, pre-reading strategies (prior knowledge, predicting, previewing, setting a purpose).
2.1.2 Use, with teacher assistance, self-correcting strategies (rereading, substituting, and reading on.
2.1.3 Recall details of text while reading.
2.1.4 Retell details of text.
3.1.1 Identify characters, setting and sequence of events.
3.1.3 Listen to and read stories from different cultures and eras.
3.1.5 Identify syllables in reading.
3.1.7 Identify the difference between poetry and prose.
4.1.2 Identify cause and effect in reading.
4.1.3 Use more difficult text to answer questions.
6.1.1 Generate and select, with teacher assistance, ideas for writing.
6.1.3 Assess, with teacher assistance, writing stories or other compositions.
6.1.4 Revise writing.
6.1.5 Edit for correct word usage.
6.1.6 Identify an audience for writing.
6.1.7 Read and share writing with others.
7.1.1 Use nouns, verbs, and pronouns in writing.
7.1.2 Write using complete sentences
7.1.3 Use possessives.
7.1.4 Capitalize names, beginning of sentences, months and days of the week.
7.1.6 Print legibly using correct spacing between letters and words.
8.1.1 Identify purposes for listening, such as to obtain information, solve problems, or for enjoyment.
8.1.2 Attend and respond to presentations.
8.1.3 Listen to a variety of dialects.
9.1.2 Speak clearly at an understandable pace.
9.1.3 Present ideas and ask questions in small or large groups (sequence with pictures).
10.1.1 Turn-taking in conversations, group discussions , or plays.
10.1.2 Ask and answer questions to gather and provide information.
10.1.3 Share ideas and information in small groups.
11.1.1Formulate questions, with teacher assistance, to explore areas of interest.
11.1.2 Locate and use reference materials and technology.
11.1.5 Present research findings using various media.