1st Grade Math Benchmarks
First Quarter1.1.1 Add 0, Add 1, Doubles to 10
1.1.3 Write, model, and describe one-step addition and subtraction problems.
1.5 Count orally to 50 by 1’s and 10’s.
1.1.6 Read and write numbers to 50
1.1.7 Teach (but don’t test) number words to 10.
2.1.1 Patterning.
3.1.4 Count pennies.
3.1.6 Recognize day and night.
4.1.1 Draw 2-D shapes – circle, triangle, & rectangle including square.
5.1.1 Sorting/Graphing
Second Quarter1.1.1 Add 2, Subtract 0
1.1.3 Write, model, and describe one-step addition and subtraction problems.
1.1.6 Order numerals to 20. Read and write numerals to 100.
1.1.7 Estimate items to 10 (2 jars, choose more or less). Read number words to 10.
1.1.9 Whole and half
3.1.4 Count pennies & dimes in combination
3.1.6 Calendar – identify days, weeks, and months of the year in order.
Third Quarter1.1.1 Subtract a number from itself, subtract half (10-5), Subtract 1 and 2; sums of 10 (6+4).
1.1.3 Write, model, and describe one-step addition and subtraction problems.
1.1.6 & 2.1.4 Compare numerals (<,>,=)
1.1.7 Ordinal positions first to tenth.
3.1.1 & 3.1.2 Compare, order, and measure using non-standard units.
3.1.6 Tell time to the hour and half hour.
4.1.3 Line of symmetry – hearts, butterflies, etc.
Fourth QuarterAdd & subtract doubles plus one (7+8, 4+5).
1.1.3 Write, model, and describe one-step addition and subtraction problems.
1.1.4 Use decimals to write money.
1.1.5 Count orally to 100 by 1’s and 10’s.
1.1.6 Order numerals to 100.
1.1.7 Write number words to 10.
1.1.8 Place value – ones and tens (game or activity).
3.1.4 Count pennies, dimes, and nickels in combination.
4.1.2 Position words – near, between, left, right, etc. (Movable pictures with sentence strips).