2nd Grade Math Benchmarks
First Quarter1.2.3 Generate & Solve one-step addition & subtraction problems based on practical situations.
1.2.7 Use ordinal positions to “twelfth.”
2.1.1 Recognize, describe, and repeat simple patterns.
3.2.6 Read time to the hour and half-hour.
Second Quarter1.2.5 Count by 2’s & 5’s to 100.
1.2.7 Read and write number words to 10.
1.2.9 Identify, model, and label ½ and ¼ as parts of a whole.
2.2.2 & 2.2.4 Write number sentences (horizontal form) and apply to real-life situations.
3.2.1 Compare and order objects using standard or non-standard units by length and weight.
4.2.4 Identify, name, sort, describe, two-dimensional geometric figures.
Third Quarter1.2.1 Identify, model, & immediately recall basic addition and subtraction facts to 18.
1.2.7 Estimate number of items in a set to 20.
1.2.7 Use ordinal positions to twentieth.
2.1.1 Increase/extend and create simple patterns.
2.2.3 & 2.2.7 Use variables and open sentences to express relationships. Model, explain and solve a number sentence involving addition and subtraction.
3.2.2 Compare objects to standard whole units to find objects >, <, or = to a given unit (inch, yard, centimeter). 3.2.6 Read time to the nearest quarter hour; distinguish between A.M. and P.M. Distinguish between date and day of the week. 4.2.2 Compare the size of similar two-dimensional figures; identify congruent shapes. 4.2.3 Identify and create figures with symmetry.
Fourth Quarter1.2.2 Add & subtract multi-digit numbers, no regrouping.
1.2.4 Use decimals to show money amounts.
1.2.6 Write numbers to 999.
1.2.7 Read and write number words to 20.
1.2.8 Use, model, and identify place value to 100.
3.2.1 Compare and order objects by volume and area.
3.2.4 Determine the value of any given set of coins.
4.2.4 Identify, name, sort, describe, three dimensional shapes.
5.0 Students will collect, organize, record, and explain classification of data using concrete materials (creating and reading graphs).
6.0 Students will develop their ability to problem solve.
7.0 Students will develop their ability to communicate mathematically by obtaining, processing, and presenting information.
8.0 Students will develop their ability to reason mathematically by using manipulatives, asking questions, and drawing conclusions.
9.0 Students will link new math concepts to prior knowledge and use it in everyday life.