3rd Grade English Benchmarks
First Quarter1.3.1 Read aloud with fluency, accuracy, appropriate intonation, and expression.
1.3.2 Use phonics and structural elements to read and to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words in context.
1.3.3 Use knowledge of prefixes, suffixes, and root words to determine meaning.
1.3.5 Use knowledge of synonyms, antonyms, homophones, and homographs.
8.3.1 Retell and explain what has been said by a speaker.
8.3.4 Follow three- and four-step oral directions to complete a simple task.
10.3.1 Speak and listen in conversations and group discussions.
10.3.2 Ask pertinent questions; respond to questions with relevant details.
Second Quarter2.3.3 Recall essential points; make and revise predictions.
3.3.2 Make inferences about setting, character traits; predict plot.
3.3.4 Identify and compare themes (and author’s purpose) in reading selections.
4.3.2 Distinguish cause/effect, fact/opinion, and main idea and details in text.
4.3.6 Read and follow multi-step directions to complete a task.
7.3.1 Identify correct usage: verb tense, pronoun case, subject-verb agreement, irregular plurals, and comparative and superlative adjectives.
7.3.5 Use correct spelling of words containing affixes, contractions, compounds, and common homophones.
8.3.4 Follow three- and four- step oral directions to complete a simple task.
9.3.1 Use specific vocabulary, and apply standard English to communicate ideas.
10.3.4 Distinguish between a speaker’s opinion and verifiable facts.
Third Quarter2.3.4 Restate facts and details in text to share information and organize ideas.
4.3.4 Draw conclusions about text and support them with textual evidence.
5.3.2 Write friendly and formal letters.
5.3.4 Write responses to literature, drawing upon experiences.
7.3.2 Write/punctuate declarative, interrogative, imperative, exclamatory sentences.
7.3.3 Punctuate correctly: dialogue, city/state, dates, titles of books, items in a series, salutation/close in letters, contractions, hour and minutes.
7.3.4 Correct capitalization: names and titles, dates, months, holidays, place names; first word in sentence; pronoun “I”; salutation and close of letters.
9.3.3 Present ideas and supporting details in a logical sequence.
9.3.5 Give clear three- and four-step directions to complete a simple task.
Fourth Quarter1.3.1 Read aloud with fluency, accuracy, appropriate intonation, and expression.
1.3.2 Use phonics and structural elements to read and to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words in context.
1.3.4 Use glossary and dictionary to determine meaning and features of words.
3.3.7 Read and identify stories, plays, poetry, and non-fiction selections.
4.3.1 Use title, table of contents, chapter heading, glossary, index, charts/maps.
5.3.1 Locate and use at least three sources to write an information paper.
6.3.3 Write simple compositions and persuasive essays that address main idea and supporting details.
11.3.2 Use library resources, media, technology to find information on a topic.
11.3.4 Organize and record information from print and non-print resources.