4th Grade English Benchmarks
First Quarter1.4.4 Use dictionary and glossary to determine meaning and features of words.
4.4.1 Use titles, tables of contents, chapter headings, glossaries, indexes, diagrams, and charts to comprehend text.
5.4.2 Write well-organized friendly and formal letters.
5.4.4 Write responses to literature, using supporting details from the selection.
6.4.2 Organize ideas by listing, webbing, and mapping.
7.4.4 Use rules of capitalization (names and titles, days and holidays, places, first word of a sentence, pronoun āIā, salutation and closing in letters.
8.4.4 Follow oral directions to complete a complex task
8.4.1 Distinguish fact from opinion using verbal and non-verbal cues.
Second Quarter2.4.5 Read narrative and expository texts aloud with fluency.
2.4.3 Apply strategies of summarizing and drawing conclusions.
1.4.2 Use phonics and structural elements to determine meaning of words.
4.4.6 Read and follow multi-step directions to complete a task.
5.4.5 Write compositions with main ideas and supporting details.
6.4.3 Create a one paragraph composition with a main idea and supporting details.
7.4.2 Write compound and complex sentences. Identify correct word order in sentences and correct run-on sentences.
9.4.5 Give clear and concise directions to complete a task.
Third Quarter2.4.4 Use outlining, summarizing, and graphic organizers to understand information from text.
1.4.3 Use knowledge of common Greek- and Latin- derived roots and affixes to determine the meaning of words in context.
3.4.1 Know plot, characterization, setting, conflict, resolution (stated information).
3.4.4 Identify themes (main idea) in a variety of reading selections.
4.4.4 Draw conclusions about text and support them with evidence.
7.4.1 Identify/correctly use: pronoun/antecedent agreement subject/verb agreement, verb tense, pronoun case, comparative, superlative adjectives.
7.4.3 Punctuate compound sentences and irregular and plural possessives. Use correct end punctuation, initials, and abbreviations. Punctuate city and state, words in a series, salutation, and close in letters; quotation marks in direct quote; apostrophe in contractions; colon between hour and minute.
Fourth Quarter3.4.2 Make inferences about character traits; make predictions about conflicts and resolutions.
3.4.5 Find figurative language, including similie, metaphor, personification in text.
3.4.7 Identify structure of stories, plays, poetry, and non-fiction selections.
4.4.2 Identify and compare main idea and important concepts of texts.
4.4.3 Develop hypotheses based upon prior knowledge and information from text. Interpret information in new contexts.
5.4.1 Write informative papers with a clear focus using a variety of sources.
7.4.5 Apply high frequency spelling rules to frequently used words.
9.4.3 Give organized presentations that demonstrate a clear viewpoint.
10.4.2 Ask and answer questions with relevant details to clarify ideas.
10.4.4 Identify and express opinions and state facts.
11.4.4 Organize and record information using note taking from print and other non-print resources.