5th Grade English Benchmarks
First Quarter2.4.3 Apply strategies of summarizing and drawing conclusions.
1.5.4 Use dictionaries and glossaries.
2.5.3 Identify main ideas, fact and opinion or cause and effect, summarize, and draw conclusions.
3.5.1 Identify the main problem or conflict and explain how it is resolved.
3.5.2 Make inferences about characters’ traits; predict conflicts and resolutions.
4.5.2 Discern main idea and supporting evidence.
4.5.6, 9.5.5 Read, follow, and give multi-step directions in order to complete tasks.
10.5.2 Ask and answer questions to clarify or extend ideas.
11.5.1 Formulate research questions and establish a focus and purpose for inquiry.
11.5.2 Select information from multiple resources to answer questions.
11.5.4 Record information using given note-taking and organizational formats.
Second Quarter3.5.4 Compare stated and implied themes in a variety of works.
4.5.1 Use knowledge of format, graphics, sequence, diagrams, and charts
4.5.3 Read to evaluate new information and hypotheses by comparing them to unknown information and ideas. Interpret information in new context.
5.5.1 Write informative papers that develop a clear topic with supporting details.
5.5.4 Write responses to literature that support judgments with text examples.
5.5.5 Write summaries of oral and written stories.
5.5.6 Write short essays; speculate on cause/effect or offer persuasive evidence.
6.5.3 Write paragraphs and essays with main ideas, supporting details and state a conclusion.
9.5.3 Give organized reports that demonstrate a clear point of view.
10.5.1 Participate in conversations and group discussions as a contributor and leader.
Third Quarter1.5.2, 1.5.5 Use phonics, grammar, syntax, and context clues to determine the meaning of words.
7.5.1 Identify/use pronoun case, comparative and superlative modifiers, verb tense, subject-verb agreement, and verbs that are often misused.
7.5.2 Identify/use prepositional phrases, appositives, transitions, and conjunctions.
8.5.1 Identify speaker viewpoint and distinguish fact from opinion.
Fourth Quarter1.5.3 Know roots and affixes from Greek and Latin and use to analyze meaning.
3.5.5 Identify/interpret figurative language (simile, metaphor, personification).
3.5.7 Understand purpose/structure of genre (stories, plays, poetry nonfiction).
4.5.4 Draw conclusions and make inferences supported by textual evidence.
4.5.5 Interpret the authors’ purpose in advertisements and public documents.
5.5.2 Write organized friendly/business letters for specific audience/purpose.
7.5.3 Use colons to introduce a list, between hour and minute; use quotation marks around words of speaker and names of poems, songs, and short stories.
8.5.2 Identify persuasive speaking techniques, and provide feedback to speaker.
10.5.4 Compare and contrast ideas and viewpoints of several speakers.