6th Grade English Benchmarks
First Quarter1.6.4 Use dictionaries & glossaries
1.6.5 Literal & figurative language
2.6.1 Plan for reading with a purpose
2.6.3 Relationships between main ideas & supporting details
2.6.5 Adjust reading rate to suit the structure of content area texts
6.6.1 Generate ideas for writing
6.6.7 Share final drafts with an audience
8.6.3 Recognize that language usage varies in formal and informal settings
9.6.1 Use specific and varied vocabulary and apply standard English to communicate ideas
10.6.1 Demonstrate active listening skills
10.6.3 Develop criteria for evaluating effective group participation
Second Quarter2.6.2 Confirm & deny predictions while reading
3.6.1 Analyze the influence of setting on characters and conflict
3.6.2 Make logical predictions about plot
3.6.7 Identify characteristics & Elements of various literary forms
4.6.1 Identify and use text features to gain meaning
4.6.2 Find similarities and differences of ideas in text
4.6.5 Evaluate how authors’ ideas and purposes shape the content of texts
5.6.2 Extract and reformat information
5.6.4 Write responses to literary selections
11.6.4 Record information using note-taking & organization
Third Quarter1.6.3 Identify and use common Greek and Latin roots, suffixes, and prefixes to determine the meaning of words
2.6.4 Summarize information from several sources
3.6.5 Recognize the effect and appropriateness of rhythm and sound
4.6.6 Read and follow multi-step directions
5.6.3 Write narratives or short stories with dialogue
5.6.5 Write summaries of non-fiction text
6.6.3 Write with clear transitions between ideas
6.6.5 Edit for standard English
7.6.1 Use correct verb tense
7.6.2 Identify and correct fragments and run-on sentences
7.6.3 Use semi-colons, colons, and apostrophes
7.6.4 Use rules of capitalization
7.6.5 Spell frequently misspelled words correctly
8.6.1 Identify tone, mood, and emotion in verbal and non-verbal communication
8.6.2 Identify effective speaking techniques
8.6.4 Follow multi-step oral directions
9.6.4 Read aloud or recite literary, dramatic and original works
10.6.2 Ask and answer questions to generate solutions
10.6.4 Evaluate the logic and effectiveness of a speaker’s argument(s)
Fourth Quarter3.6.3 Compare literature by authors
3.6.4 Compare a variety of themes generated by a single topic
3.6.6 Describe how mood is created by word connotations
4.6.3 Evaluate information between primary and secondary sources
4.6.4 Verify information by consulting other sources
5.6.1 Write informative papers with topic, facts, details, and examples; that have beginning, middle and end
5.6.6 Write short expository texts with solutions and persuasion
6.6.2 Use organizing techniques for writing
6.6.4 Revise to meet criteria of a rubric
6.6.6 Produce writing with voice
9.6.2 Develop and deliver presentations using media
9.6.2 Organize and deliver a “how to” speech
9.6.5 Give organized multi-step directions to complete a task.
11.6.1 Formulate a plan for research to answer a focused question
11.6.2 Distinguish between information from primary and secondary sources
11.6.3 Document research sources, prevent plagiarism
11.6.5 Present research findings using written text or media